CD Duplication

CD duplication is particularly suited to lower volume works of 50 to 200 units.

Our duplication process is probably the best in the UK in terms of both overall quality and the speed of service. Work is generally fully completed in just a few days.

The same packaging options are available as for replicated product so again, there is no need to compromise if needing a small number of CDs quickly.

Honestly, I haven’t seen better.


Works are best specifically quoted according to your exact requirements and so please either call or email us and we’ll respond immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our turnaround for Duplicated CDs can be 48-hours if needs be! Although 4-days is the norm.

Replicated CD’s is 2-weeks, although a quicker service can be provided on request.

Duplicated CD’s is just 10

Replicated CD’s is 200

CD replication involves the process of data being stamped (pressed) into the disc during manufacturing.

This is considered to be a higher-quality process giving a more professional finish.

It’s also the cheaper option when undertaking larger (200+) quantities.

CD duplication involves copying data onto a prefabricated recordable disc (CD-R).

As our onbody print is so good (probably the best in the UK), it’s actually hard to differentiate between the two manufacturing processes.

Yes, we will undertake as much or as little as you want although the vast majority of CD’s will be completely finished and ready for sale/ distribution i.e. all fully printed, packed and wrapped.

As many or as few as you like. The maximum recommended duration is 80’ minutes although we’d prefer it less to keep within the best manufacturing tolerances.

There is also a minimum duration of 30” seconds!
